The Society Of Korean Fiction
[ Article ]
The Journal of Korean Fiction Research - Vol. 0, No. 71, pp.487-517
ISSN: 1229-3830 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Sep 2018
Received 25 Aug 2018 Revised 12 Sep 2018 Accepted 14 Sep 2018

한중 여성 장애인 창작 소설에 나타난 자의식 발현 양상 비교 연구 : 안혜성 『불꽃춤』과 장하이디 『휠체어의 꿈』을 중심으로

**명지전문대학 초빙교수
Self-consciousness Expressed in Creative Writing by Korean and Chinese Women with Disabilities : With focus on 『Fireworks Dance』 by Ahn Hye Sung and 『The Dream of a Wheelchair』 by Zhang Heidi
Cha, Hee-Jung**


이 글은 한국과 중국 여성 장애인의 자서전적 소설 『불꽃춤』과 『휠체어의 꿈』에 나타난 자의식 발현의 양상을 살펴보았다. 즉, ‘장애를 가진 여성’ 창작자의 자의식이 어떻게 구성, 발현되며 무엇을 어떻게 드러내고자 한 것인지를 탐색한 것이다. 『불꽃춤』의 ‘민성’은 이상주의자인 아버지가 거제도포로수용소에서 살해되며 겪은 이데올로기 대립과 갈등, 아버지 부재의 상처를 5.18광주민주화운동에서 총탄을 맞고 잠적한 사촌 동생 ‘민진’을 찾음으로써 치유 받는다. 민진의 장애는 권력의 폭압과 갈등을 해소하는 역할로 갱생의 삶을 매개하고 권력이 조장한 분열과 대립에 저항하며 삶의 비정형성의 공간을 구성하였다. 『휠체어의 꿈』의 ‘방단’은 일관되게 자신의 장애를 극복의 ‘과제’로 삼고 있다. ‘쓸모 있는’ 사람이 되고 싶다는 기대는 문화대혁명을 겪으며 더욱 구체화되고 적극적으로 구성되는 양상이다. 두 소설의 주인공을 통해서 드러나는 창작자의 자의식은 장애를 매개로 긍정적 미래를 기대하는 점에서는 공통적이었으나 권력 이데올로기와의 조응은 저항( 『불꽃춤』)과 순응(『휠체어의 꿈』)의 방식으로 다르게 표출되었다.


This article explores how self-consciousness is expressed in the autobiographical novels, “Firework Dance” and “The Dream of a Wheelchair”, of Korean and Chinese women with disabilities. It examines how this self-consciousness in women with disabilities has been formed, as well as how this has been expressed and revealed to the reader. In “Fireworks Dance”, Minseong’s idealist father is murdered in the Geoje island prison camp. Through this experience, Minseong experiences ideological conflicts as well as deep grief for the loss of her father. She is healed through reuniting with her cousin, ‘Minjin’, who had disappeared during the 5.18 Kwangju Uprising. Minjin’s disability plays a sacrificial role in eliminating conflict and segregation as well as acting as a mediator in the rise of a new area of a typical life. ‘Bangdan’ in “The Dream of a Wheelchair” consistently thinks of her disability as an obstacle she must overcome. During the Cultural Revolution, her desire to become someone ‘useful’ actively shapes her identity. Her self-consciousness, as depicted by her disability, finds its meaning through reconnecting conflict divided communities as well as recognizing and highlighting the potential in an uncertain future. In addition, the self-narrative style of writing used in the novel plays a significant role in questioning and confronting the dominant power relations and state of the culture. The two novels are common in the way in which the lead character’s disability helps to resolve conflicts and creates hope for a positive future. However, the novels are different in the way they respond to authoritarian ideologies.


Autobiographical novel, disability, people with disability, woman, self-consciousness


자서전적 소설, 장애, 장애인, 여성, 자의식


이 논문은 2015년 정부(교육부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(NRF-2015042803)


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