The Society Of Korean Fiction
[ Article ]
The Journal of Korean Fiction Research - Vol. 0, No. 70, pp.241-265
ISSN: 1229-3830 (Print)
Print publication date 30 Jun 2018
Received 07 Jun 2018 Reviewed 15 Jun 2018 Accepted 15 Jun 2018 Revised 26 Jun 2018

오정희 단편소설의 회상매개 연구

이지혜* ; 김종회**
*경희대학교대학원 박사과정, 주저자
**경희대학교 교수, 교신저자
Research about Memory Material of Oh Jung Hee's novel
Lee, Ji-Hye* ; Kim, Jong-Hoi**

Copyright Ⓒ 2018


본고의 목적은 오정희의 초기 단편소설을 중심으로 오정희의 ‘전쟁 체험’이 어떠한 ‘회상매개’로서 그의 소설세계에 전반적인 영향을 미치고 있는지 그 궤적을 논의하려는 것에 있다. 오정희는 삶에 대한 깊은 성찰을 통해 인간의 내면을 치밀하게 고찰해 낸 작가로 평가되어 왔다. 특히 오정희의 초기 단편에 드러나는 회상매개는 전쟁 상황에 놓여있거나 전쟁과 깊은 관련을 맺는다. 이들은 당시의 시대 상황에 비추어 특정한 기억을 잃어버린 것으로 보이며, 개인적 성장과 더불어 그 기억을 매개체를 통해 되살리고자 노력한다는 공통점을 보인다.

우선 연구 대상으로 삼은 「유년의 뜰」을 통해 전쟁의 혼돈으로 빚어진 가족의 부재와 상실이 회상매개로 재현되는 과정의 혼란을 살펴보고자 한다. 또한 재현이 불가능한 전쟁의 고통이 어떻게 개인의 기억을 통해 회상매개로서 재건되는지 「중국인 거리」를 통해 그 과정을 분석하고자 한다. 이어서 「겨울 뜸부기」를 통해 무의식 속에서 부표처럼 부유하는 회상매개의 양상에 대해 조망하고자 한다.

오정희는 ‘유년기 전쟁체험 세대’ 작가 중 거의 유일무구한 여성작가로 꼽을 수 있다. 이렇듯 오정희의 전쟁 체험은 전쟁의 이면을 날것으로 보여주는 여성 수난의 회상매개이자 서사로도 말할 수 있을 것이다. 오정희의 소설로 억압되어 왔던 개별적이며 역사적인 기억의 회상매개를 탐구함으로써, 전쟁의 현실을 새롭게 조망하고 개별 기억의 인정과 극복으로 나아가는 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것이다.


The purpose of this dissertation is to discuss the trajectory of Oh Jeong-hee ‘war experience’ as a ‘mediator of remembrance,’ focusing on his early novels. Oh Jeong-hee is considered the only female writer among the ‘War Experience Generation’ writers.「Garden of Infancy」, 「Chinese Street」. It is 「Winter Watercock」. which created the situation with major backgrounds, show that the war should not clearly show its weight in the novel. Historical events, as well as personal events, work in human life not with fragmentary memories but with continuous memories. Therefore, Oh Jung-hee's experience in the war clearly illustrates the process in which he remains in memory in a certain way and is replaced as a means of retrospection. Historical experience is an important element in Oh Jung-hee's literature, and it should be remembered that it has been reduced to the memory of the writer and has a close influence on the formation of the world view.

Therefore, Oh's experience in the war can be described as an epic as well as a retrospection of female suffering that shows the hidden side of the war. By exploring the recall parameters of individual and historical memories that have been suppressed by Oh Jeong-hee's novels, one can look at the realities of war and find clues that lead to the recognition and overcoming of individual memories. The recollections that appear in the early novels of Oh Jung Hee are in a state of war or deeply related to war. They seem to have lost a particular memory from the point of view of the times and share with personal growth trying to revive memory through a piece of memory. In this paper, the texts to be studied are 「Garden of Infancy」 and the 「Chinese Street」. It is 「Winter Watercock」.

The first is the 「Garden of Infancy」 of the characters in the 「Garden of Infancy」 which was done in conjunction with a certain space or place with memories, and clearly showed the private memory and the formal memory process in a war situation. Thus, in light of the times, those who lost certain memories showed that they were trying to revive them through a medium as well as personal growth.

Second, the 「Chinese street」 has put on the surface a figure who is not only suspicious of visual memory but of memory made by the influence of the batter's intervention. In addition, the recall medium created by the intervention of the batter was more unreliable than other memories, creating a double structure.

Third, through 「Winter Watercock」, Oh Jeong-hee said, The intention of forgetting is to refuse memory work through retrospection, and to place objects caused by certain factors in oblivion.

Let's look at the ‘confusion’ of the process of recreating the absence and loss of a family caused by the chaos of war through novels. next, we will examine the process of reconstructing the pain of war that can not be reproduced through “memory” of individuals through 「Chinese Street」 as “material”. Third, we will look at the reminiscence meditation that emerges like a buoy in a subconscious way through 「Winter Watercock」.


Oh Jung-Hee, Memory, War, Reminiscence, Recall motif


오정희, 회상매개, 전쟁, 기억, 회상, 매개


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